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Dare To Be Fearless

THE place for women to connect, learn, and love themselves

Dealing with my own anxiety and learning the ways to manage this so I can live a life with confidence and self-love has inspired me to give other women this same thing! I have developed a passion for helping women reduce and manage their anxiety, so they can regain confidence, stop overthinking, and take action in their life! Anxiety can be debilitating and prevent you from achieving your goals. Dare To Be Fearless is your place to connect with like minded women who are also struggling with anxiety in some way, learn about ways to manage your anxiety, and focus on how to love yourself more!

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What Dare To Be Fearless is All About

Anxiety is a fear response. The feeling you get when situations are uncertain, changed, new, or even all too familiar. The feeling of uneasiness and on edge for no apparent reason. The feeling of numbness, tingling, heart racing, heat, sweating, choking, foggy mind, or even dying. This is anxiety, and it is a fear response. Fear can be paralyzing and take the breathe right away from you. We have all felt it, but someone who struggles with anxiety feels it on a daily basis. I am on a mission to take the power away from anxiety and give it back to you! We accomplish this by connecting with others and building our support system, learn ways to manage our anxiety, and learning how to love ourselves, anxiety and all! 

Dare To Be Fearless is Right for You If...

You want to connect with like minded women who also struggle with anxiety in some way

You want to learn more about anxiety and how to treat it

You want to be empowered to love every part of yourself, anxiety and all

Get ready to have some fun, cry, and learn a lot!! - Jessie Jenson

What You will Learn:

My process focuses on who you are and where you want to be while incorporating proven skills to help you get there. These skills are not only skills I teach you, but apply to my life every day.

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